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It's a small change, but an important one. We've been waiting months for Facebook dark mode, but finally the social network's new look is starting to arrive on phones and desktops, giving you a smarter, more stylish way to browse through your news feed.

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Dark mode isn't just about looks, though. While the jury is out on whether cutting down on blue light actually helps you sleep better at night, a darker interface certainly reduces glare when you're using the app after dark, making for a more comfortable social experience. There's a potential benefit for your phone's battery, too. Researchers from Google have found that pixel color has a direct effect on power draw , with black pixels using significantly less energy than white ones. Swapping Facebook's bright, white interface to something darker could therefore help your mobile devices last noticeably longer between chargers.

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With that in mind, here's how to experience the dark side of Facebook on desktop and mobile devices. Facebook has been working on a new design for its desktop site for several months now, with an optional dark mode, and has now announced that it'll be rolling out to "the vast majority" of users over the coming days. When you get the update, you should see a prompt at the top of the screen asking if you want to try the new-look Facebook.

Once you accept, you'll be able to switch to dark mode from the settings menu. If you're still waiting to receive the new design, you can use Google Chrome to 'force' dark mode on Facebook.

This doesn't look exactly the same as the official dark mode will, but it's not too far off. First make sure you have the latest version of Chrome. Security by obscurity is a common practice. OnePlus has sold millions of smartphones, and most of them are currently threatened by Engineer Mode.

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One plus owners can go to Settings , then Show System apps to check whether Engineer Mode is installed, and then delete it. The tool can give an attacker total power over a device, but it also has real limitations. Baptiste and others point out that attacks exploiting the app require physical access to a given unit.

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OnePlus noted the same in a statement Tuesday, saying that Engineer Mode won't grant full root privileges to third-party apps, ruling out more virulent remote attacks. While we don't see this as a major security issue, we understand that users may still have concerns and therefore we will remove the adb root function from EngineerMode in an upcoming [software update].

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Researchers emphasize that while the Engineer Mode flaws aren't an apocalyptic crisis, they still represent a major overlooked security lapse. And while OnePlus's upcoming fix should reassure users, some believe the episode hints at a larger potential problem with the company's security screening and device vetting processes.

So, personally, I'd be looking to see how they respond to this and what other issues are on this device. Where there is one, there are often many more. Given that OnePlus doesn't "see this as a major security issue," it's an open question as to whether the company will learn from the mistake and take more extensive precautions in the future. OnePlus owners should check their devices for Engineer Mode and call on the company to prioritize avoiding this type of flaw.

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And other manufacturers should take note as well. The Hack. She previously worked as a technology reporter at Slate magazine and was the staff writer for Future Tense, a publication and project of Slate, the New America Foundation, and Arizona State University.