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This could be useful for identifying those problematic friends — the kind who sometimes cause trouble, but are later forgiven, then unblocked. By gaining access to this information, parents can sit down with the child to talk about when to take that step and block someone, and when a disagreement with a friend can instead be worked out. These are decisions that a child will have to make on their own one day, so being able to use this as a teaching moment is useful.

With the update, unblocking is supported and parents are still able to review chats with blocked contacts.

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  • However, blocked contacts will remain visible to one another and will stay in shared group chats. Kids are warned if they return to or are added to chats with blocked contacts.

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    This could be a way to preserve their chat history when the child outgrows the app. The app also attempts to explain this in plain language to the kids, using cute photos.

    In reality, parents should read the policy for themselves and make a decision, accordingly. Despite its lengthiness, the policy leaves plenty of room for Facebook to collect private information and share it.

    How to Spy Kik Messenger With OgyMogy Kik Spy Software

    The policy also describes things Facebook plans to roll out later, when Messenger Kids is updated to support older kids. As kids enter tween to teen years, parents may want to loosen the reigns a bit.