Cell phone location application for Vivo


  1. Real-Time GPS Tracking Vivo 1713
  2. Choose which apps use your Android phone’s location
  3. Block all potential threats
  4. Find phone by IMEI

Tap Location Services. Location Services are now turned on. Apps that need them can start accessing your location right away.

Real-Time GPS Tracking Vivo 1713

Tap Location. Move the slider to On. Tap Mode. Select the Mode you prefer: High accuracy: Delivers the most accurate location information by using GPS, Wi-Fi networks, Bluetooth , and cellular networks to determine your location. It's got the highest accuracy, but it uses more battery and has less privacy.

Battery saving: Saves battery by not using GPS, but still uses the other technologies. Less accurate and it has lower privacy. Device only: Best if you care a lot about privacy and are OK with somewhat less accurate data. Because it doesn't use cellular, Wi-Fi, or Bluetooth, it leaves fewer digital tracks.

Choose which apps use your Android phone’s location

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Lifewire uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. For additional support, consult the Help Center. For example, you could let Google Maps use your phone's location to give you driving directions, but not share the location with a game or social media app. Google Help. Send feedback on Help Center Community. Google Account.

Knowing where you are helps many apps do their job

Learn how to check your Android version. To change the app's permissions, tap it, then choose the location access for the app. Paging Library. How-To Guides.

Block all potential threats

Advanced Concepts. Threading in WorkManager. Navigation component. Intents and intent filters. User interface. Add motion to your layout with MotionLayout. MotionLayout XML reference. Improving layout performance. Custom view components. Look and feel. Add the app bar. Control the system UI visibility. Supporting swipe-to-refresh.

Pop-up messages overview. Adding search functionality. Creating backward-compatible UIs. Media app architecture. Building an audio app. Building a video app. Routing between devices. Background tasks. Sending operations to multiple threads. Manage device awake state. Save to shared storage. Save data in a local database. Sharing simple data. Sharing files. Sharing files with NFC. Printing files. Content providers. Autofill framework.

Find phone by IMEI

Contacts provider. Data backup. Back up key-value pairs. Remember and authenticate users. User location. Using touch gestures. Handling keyboard input. Supporting game controllers. Input method editors.

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Performing network operations. Transmit network data using Volley. Perform network operations using Cronet. Transferring data without draining the battery. Reduce network battery drain. Transfer data using Sync Adapters. Wi-Fi infrastructure. Discover and connect. Runtime API reference. Web-based content. Android App Bundles. About Dynamic Delivery.

Test your app bundle. Google Play.