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If your phone does not have an enabled FM chip, the FM only mode option isn't available. With FM only mode activated, NextRadio defaults to the built-in FM receiver chip instead of streaming local stations over the internet. If your local data service goes down or you lose cell service, you'll still be able to listen to any FM station that's in range.

Once you activate FM only mode in the NextRadio app, you're ready to listen to local FM radio on your phone without using your data plan.

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To accomplish this, you'll need wired headphones or earbuds. Wireless headphones won't work because the phone needs to use the wires as an antenna. If you have an active data connection and the station supports it, NextRadio displays a logo for the station and information about the song or program that you're listening to.

Unlock the Hidden FM Tuner in Your Android Phone (CNET How To)

Otherwise, you'll have to identify the station you're looking for by its call letters. NextRadio also includes a basic tuner function that works like any other FM radio. Instead of looking for your station in a list of local stations, this function presents you with a tuner that you can use to search for local stations. Either go to the station you want or use the seek function to see what's available. FM radio isn't a feature that any smartphone manufacturer intentionally builds into their phones.

It's a byproduct of some of the chips manufacturers use, which have built-in FM receivers in addition to the features that the smartphone manufacturers are interested in.

Your Phone Is Listening and it's Not Paranoia

Smartphone manufacturers often disable built-in FM radio receivers. In some cases, carriers have requested the feature be disabled, possibly to encourage the use of data-hungry radio apps or to avoid consumer complaints about poor radio reception.

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While the FM chips are turned off in many phones, this feature is available on many handsets. Every major cellular provider in the United States is compatible with at least one FM-enabled phone.

The Internet’s horrifying new method for installing Google apps on Huawei phones | Ars Technica

NextRadio maintains a list of phones that have working FM chips , including which carriers allow you to use each phone. The major exception is Apple, as there are no iPhones with activated FM chips. While the iPhone 6 and older models included FM chips, Apple says there is no way to connect an antenna to the chip. Add to Wishlist. Voice Access is an accessibility service that helps users who have difficulty manipulating a touch screen e. For help using Voice Access, see Voice Access help. Voice Access provides voice commands in three categories: - Basics and navigation from any screen e.

You can also see the full list of voice commands by going to Voice Access Settings and selecting "Show all commands.

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Select "Voice Access" 3. Turn on the switch 4. Complete the tutorial to learn how to use Voice Access The tutorial introduces the most common voice commands starting Voice Access, clicking, scrolling, basic text editing, and getting to the "What can I say? Note that completely hands-free interaction requires enabling "Ok Google" from any screen.

Then you can say "Ok Google" whenever you want Voice Access to start listening for commands. You can press this button to indicate that you would like to start saying a voice command.

You can also press, hold, and drag this button to move it to a different location on your screen. To stop Voice Access, just say "stop listening". Then I carefully monitored the sponsored posts on Facebook for any changes. The changes came literally overnight.

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Suddenly I was being told mid-semester courses at various universities, and how certain brands were offering cheap clothing. And although they were all good deals, the whole thing was eye-opening and utterly terrifying. Peter told me that although no data is guaranteed to be safe for perpetuity, he assured me that in no company is selling their data directly to advertisers. So yes, our phones are listening to us and anything we say around our phones could potentially be used against us.

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