Location for smartphone Galaxy A3


  1. Turn GPS on your Samsung Galaxy A3 (2017) Android 6.0.1 on or off
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Turn GPS on your Samsung Galaxy A3 (2017) Android 6.0.1 on or off

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  2. Samsung Introduces New Galaxy A5 and Galaxy A3 Smartphones | Time.
  3. Why is my Samsung Galaxy A3 battery draining so fast and how to fix it? [Troubleshooting Guide].
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  5. Samsung Galaxy A3 2017 (SM-A320F) specifications.
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Other Mobiles latest trending. Be sure to delete unwanted apps that constantly show ads because these ads can use up much power.

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Display components like widgets on the Home screen can also use up battery on your device. Several Android apps like weather apps, news apps, and social networks come with widgets that are placed on the Home screen for real-time updates. Because of their constant syncing and animations, these widgets can cause the battery to drain faster.

  • Technical support.
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  • Samsung Galaxy A3 () Repair - iFixit.
  • 3 Things to Know About Samsung's New Galaxy A5 and Galaxy A3.
  • Samsung Galaxy A3 2017 (SM-A320F) pictures.
  • Samsung Galaxy A3 support..
  • Use Google Maps - Samsung Galaxy A3 - Telstra.
  • You always have the Apps drawer to access any of these apps when needed anyway. Putting your device in Airplane mode during bed time can also help you save lots and lots of power.

    The best Samsung Galaxy A5 and Galaxy A3 deals in March | TechRadar

    Getting real-time notification updates is not really that necessary unless for calls or text messages. Other things like email or social media, you can turn notification off for them because that are much less useful. You can also select the option to never show notifications or show silently without waking the screen, vibrating or pinging.

    GPS, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi also consume power on your device when enabled as it forces the device to remain connected to the server, maps, or other devices they are connected to Bluetooth. Alternatively, you can do all these at once using the previous method which is to enable Airplane mode on the phone. Again, the brighter the screen, the more power it requires and uses up. Hence, setting it lower down to an appropriate level can help preserve the battery. Kids Place is one of the most downloaded parental control on Android app with best parental control software.

    Smartphone and Internet Devices Help

    The app allows you to limit the screen time for your kid that will automatically turn on and turn off the apps on their smart phone as per your setting. With Kiddoware safe video player parents can control what you tube videos or videos on device kids can watch. Kids Place safe browser plugin app comes with childproof features for the kids and keeps them from accessing porn content, adult games and other activities and play services that are not appropriate to their age.